Pictures from Monica and Henry Overton's world.

» Destin Trip 2007   [75 pictures]
(Our trip to Destin Summer of 2008 was abruptly cut short by my falling horribly ill because of Cat Scratch Fever. Very boring trip indead. So, enjoy these pictures from last year)
» Kryger Family Photos 1   [23 pictures]
These are some great pictures of my mom's family, courtesy of my Aunt Rhea. Thank you Aunt Rhea!!!!
» lanagrace0   [17 pictures]
These are pictures of Lana Grace Overton's delivery by the stork, and shortly afterwards.
» lanagrace1   [16 pictures]
» lanagrace2   [21 pictures]
These are some more great pictures of Lana Grace and family spanning weeks 2 & 3
» lanagrace3   [36 pictures]
Most recent pictures of Lana Grace between weeks 3 and 4 -she is changing every day
» lanagrace4   [37 pictures]
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